Sunday, March 9, 2014

Cosplay Part 2: Drawing out the costume!

Hello everyone, Lin here with part 2 of the cosplay setup and...okay, so it's not just further my use of watercoloring, I decided to also paint it too!

So why did I decide to suddenly want to draw and paint out Lulu? Simple...

No eyes because the face in this isn't really the main point! This is just to get familiar with the brim of the hat and the style of the hair.
To get more familiar with what I'd be working with when it comes to it. Like for example, understanding that Lulu's hat brim is'd probably need some kind of wire to keep it in place. And I'd also need some sort of cord to pull it together in the middle. The fabric of the hat itself looks very thick...and someone had suggested maybe corduroy to use as the hat. Not a bad idea actually. I also need to get a nice, long fluffy purple wig...can't wait for that.

Left: The main dress from the front. Right: the main dress from the side. Bottom: The skirt that goes beneath the main dress. The purple signifies where a body part or other part of the costume would go.
I needed to know what kind of colors I really needed. It mainly looks like red and gold or yellow (I've yet to really decide). Different fabrics, like the skirt, will have to be used. The skirt will be a thin, flowing fabric...most of it is supposed to be hidden under the tabbard like dress.

The staff. Though it's supposed to be longer, I made it this short because the main focus is the head...where it's more detailed. The left and right of it has other details of the cosplay.
The props like the staff have to get gotten from somewhere. A friend of Hibiki and I offered to carve it out for me...hehe, thanks, if you're reading this! I dunno though. I feel guilty making him do it...I don't feel like I've done enough for his cosplay either, even if I made the small prints for him.

The two other aspects I painted out where makeup details. Such as the plum colored lipstick I planned on getting. And also green colored contacts. I mean...I think the colored contacts are optional, but I think it would really sell the whole cosplay. I definitely do want contacts though, unless I wanna go around the con blind as a bat. Which I'm not opposed to, but whatever. >>

Another thing I wanted to get was the light purple face powder. I think that'll be easy to get at a costume store! The rest I think will be okay! I haven't drawn out the rest of the cosplay, but I plan on doing so. It's just the shoes and the striped leggings and shirt that's left! When I get to that, I'll post it here, asap, so please tune in!