Monday, March 3, 2014

White Album 2 - 01

Sorry! It's been a while since my last post. I know White Album 2 finished last season but I didn't learn about it's existence till recently. I was a fan of the first season so I had to watch this one.

Lately I've been caught up playing FFXIV online because it was on sale on steam (damn steam sales...) and I've been longing for a modern, yet traditional type of MMO, all thanks to Linlinster showing me Log Horizon. She already made a couple impressions of that anime so go check it out! As you can already tell, FFXIV had been sucking the life out of me, but more on that in a future post. Maybe.

Note that While Album and White Album 2 are two different stories with different characters in the same universe. First thing I noticed was the production value. Satelight did a great number to the production of his anime. The animation is fluid, the lighting and shadowing are top notch, and of course the music is fantastic. Being a musical type of series, the music is highly valued and the insert songs and BGM fits the criteria.

Haruki practices alone in the music room
Now what really determines the outcome of a high school romance genre are the characters. For one, I really do enjoy the characters they laid out. The main protagonist, Haruki Kitahara, is smart, direct, and talented. He is also the person people seem to rely on, as shown by the Student Committee that he was previously a part of till this year. He is also part of the Light Music Club as a backup guitarist, which now appears to had fallen apart losing pretty much everyone in it. He still practices his guitar in Music Room 1 with the occasion of a person in Music Room 2 playing piano with him. 

Ogiso doesn't look pleased
Right off the bat, WA2 reveals Haruki with 2 other members playing a concert in the school festival. This is where the love triangle appears, otherwise it wouldn't be White Album. There's Setsuna Ogiso, the singer in the opening scene and running champion of Houjou's beauty pageant 2 times in a row and another guitarist, in which we presume is the mysterious piano player in Music Room 2. I wonder what trials these three are going to experience that resulted in this love triangle but the premise on how they all met does fight the romantic setting. Haruki was practicing his guitar as usual with the gifted piano player next door, the song being his cover of WHITE ALBUM sung by Yuki Morikawa in the first season. He then heard a voice from the roof, singing the lyrics and rushes up there to find out it was Ogiso. These two, however, already met earlier, with Ogiso wanting to withdraw from the beauty pageant and the committee wanted Haruki to talk her out of it, but in the end took her side.

So far, this anime looks promising. I hope the production stays strong throughout series and didn't just blow everything they got on the first episode. The first WA started off a little sluggish but WA2 definitely picked up the pace in a positive way.